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“This movie made me sad – in a good way. Also a big compliment to the performers – especially Tyga is very hot!”

– Fanpost

The winding paths of human desire have been fascinating me for a long time.

Director Candy Flip: “Do we really want what we want? Why do so many people feel more desire in the yearning and anticipation than in the actual act of fulfilling their fantasies? Do we want to suffer? If so, how? Which power dynamics mold our often contradictory desires and identities?
I’ve performed in a lot of erotic movies, but for the longest time I’ve been reluctant to direct movies myself. There’s so many open questions and sore spots – how could I ignore them and “just” make a cute film with insanely sensual looking sex?
I tried to pose the questions and contradictions in the film: a sweet story, a beautifully performed sex scene, but there’s a dash of salt: the protagonist stays alone with his desire, just like the audience.
Some viewers have said that this film ruined their mood. But that’s okay. Say hello to Sad erotic Cinema!”

Candy Flip was born to be a hooker. After finishing her master’s degree, Candy said farewell to the mundane life and to make her money as an escort and erotic film performer. Sexwork is a way for her to reclaim agency in a patriachal system and a comparatively pleasurable way of making a living. As a performer she roams both the mainstream and fringes of the erotic film industry, from commercial gang bang flicks to art films such as Shu Lea Cheang’s FLUID Ø (2017). As a director, Candy addresses her experiences with the patriarchy in general and the sex industry in particular. Her debut film THE SAD GIRLS OF THE MOUNTAINS (2019) was awarded the Best Feature Film Award of the Pornfilmfestival Berlin.


Follow us to sunlit rooftops and dark basements to see Berlin’s hottest encounters. Get all five episodes in one package – – or buy the “extended cuts” for even more hot action!

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